Entangled beards

RLB link images entangled beards

– Great lamps with optical illusion by Bulbing Light.

– Let’s hope this Serif TV comes to USA, at least there i can see it at the store display.

– Do you liked Tamagotchi? Well this is an app alike but with the stlye of Wednesday Wolf [Grumploid]

-Illustrator takes photos of random people and transforms them into cartoons. [Julio Cesar]

Artisanal Firewood, i wish people take my work seriously like Smoke & Flame Co. (Humour)

– The stages a hero have to pass through in almost every story. [The Hero’s Journey]

A unicorn teaches how it needs to poop

– This is definitely the robot i’m looking for. [BB-8 toy]


“”Allo?” is my first solo show in London, at Kemistry gallery Intrigued by everyday life and human interaction, Allo? explores our social and asocial behaviours, the relationship between people and how we communicate with one another.
Looking at day to day life, smart phones, social behaviour and funny incidents, Allo? shows some everyday observations that  you can relate to and laugh at, as well as some sad but true stories that we all witness everyday.”

by [Jean Jullien]